Membership Registration


Membership Information
First Name
Last Name
Credential(s), Optional
United States
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Institution Name
Account Credentials
Email Address
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Membership Type
Regular Member
Regular members have full rights and privileges including, but not necessarily limited to: voting, service on committees, and nomination and election to any sectional or national office. For Members in the Contiguous United States, Hawaii, Canada and Mexico.  Includes the monthly newsletter, Rangeland Report online, and Rangelands journal online. 
Student Member
Full-time students (high school through graduate school). Not eligible to hold office. Must succeed to different class of membership in the calendar year following termination of course of study. Includes monthly Rangeland Report.
Young Professional
An early career individual is eligible as a Young Professional member for five years and shall enjoy the rights and privileges set forth in as a regular member. Young Professional members must succeed to a different class of Membership in the sixth calendar year following their acceptance as a Young Professional.
Emeritus Member
*A member is eligible for Emeritus membership in the year they become 55 years of age, or any year thereafter, provided they have retired and has maintained prior membership in the Society for at least 15 continuous years.
International Member
Available for those who both reside in and are a citizen of one of the countries listed on the SRM International Country List.  Click here to view a list of approved countries. Includes Rangeland Report Online, Rangeland Ecology & Management Online, and Rangelands Online.
Institutional Member
An institution, or other entity not organized for profit. Entitled to the same rights and privileges as an individual Regular member. Must designate a specific individual to serve as its representative
Commercial Member
Any business, individual or entity organized for profit who wishes to financially support range management activities is encouraged to become a supporting, contributing or major Commercial member. Commercial members are entitled to all rights and privileges of a regular member after designating a specific individual as their representative.
Family of Regular Member
Treated as its own membership, this rate is for individuals of same household who desire more than one SRM membership. The Additional Family Member retains all rights & privileges of Regular member. Includes Rangeland Report Online.
Annual Renewal: $0
Today's Subtotal